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These pages will bring you a bit closer to the wonderful and exceptional creature - the ridged lion dog of Rhodesia - Rhodesian Ridgeback.

There are few continously growing and updated chapters ahead of you and the dates of their last actualizations:

news what's new here and there (1/01/02)
standard according to FCI
gallery uncritical RR photo presentation (8/11/01)
champions winner ridgebacks (1/01/02)
euro 2000 results from Poznan
dog shows 2001-02 show calendar, entry forms, and RR judges (1/01/02)
organizations RR Clubs & kynological institutions all over the world (16/09/01)
links banners and more ridgeback-related webpages (14/05/01)
about us me and my family, shortly
PASI Pasi's corner (1/01/02)
SAFIRI Safiri's corner (1/01/02)

Enjoy your visit and share your opinions, leaving your pawprint in my guestbook. You are also welcomed to read the comments, that others have left.

Gabi Kryszkiewicz